unfathomable force

date written: 19/20 july 2016

a/n: written in response to the death of a girl i never knew, but whose death affected me anyway

love is an unfathomable force. there’s a reason it’s the centre of books, songs, sculptures, paintings, dances, photographs – anything that can express human emotion will often have love as it’s centre piece.
love comes in all sorts of forms – romantic love between two (sometimes more) people, family love between siblings, between parent and child, love between friends and many others that escape my mind right now.
and love transcends every barrier – it can last a human forever, and maybe more. it can stretch across far distances, where one sleeps when the other is waking. and it transcends death. even when one passes, their hearts stopping slowly or suddenly, that love does not disappear, and it does not fade.